Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Sunny Sunday Stroller -- Thena literally walk!

One Sunday morning,
Thena took a walk with eyang, manda, and panda...
literally walk! pushing her stroller down the park in Senayan area.
showing off to the world that she manage to walk by herself -- well not really by herself, she still need something to hold onto -- a stick, stroller, hands, tree, cookies... anything that make her grasp something, then she'll walk!
look at her. Eyang hold the stroller from behind to keep her not running away from us.
at her 10 months. she walks!
smile, and blinking her eyes!
walk walk walk.. and sometimes a bit hurry to run... but never want to stop.

these pics were taken on May 4th 2008. sunny sunday

Here are some sharing tips (learn from Eyang) to make your baby walk at earliest stage.

  1. Make sure your calcium needs are fully-fulfilled since pregnancy to breastfeeding time. If you have milk -- try broccolis
  2. When your baby reach 3 months, try to wash down her back neck with natural water (morning cold water-- Indonesian temperature of course!). It will help strengthen her back upper spine and induce her to move her back spine as in trying to sit from lying position. Do this every after bath time.
  3. Give her something to kick with! baby play gym, pillow, blanket, everything hence she'll try to move her feet and push them away and back and away again....
  4. When she reach 7 months -- and doctor said, it's okay for her to try to stand on her feet without having to fear of her leg not growing well -- try to give her bath with normal temperature water (not hot water). It helps her to have stronger bones & body, and also help to befriend with nature.
  5. Don't do the baby walker. just arrange your furniture and stuff hence she'll response to her will in trying to step up and move her leg.
  6. Try put a mirror up front her playing box. She'll learn to stand to see her self and be motivated to keep standing and play hide and seek with her reflection
  7. motivate - motivate - motivate - challenge - challenge - challenge.

That's my personal experience with Thena which walk at 10mos. But for all who'd like to seek more info from the expert, here is one:

How to encourage walking

It takes most babies about 1,000 hours of practice from the time they pull themselves upright to the time they can walk alone. To help prepare your child for taking those first few steps:

From birth:
The single most important requirement for walking: strong back muscles, which babies develop by lifting their heads while lying on their tummies. So make sure yours gets plenty of tummy time while awake. Place interesting toys and objects just out of reach for motivation.

Once she can sit:
Help her practice her balance and mobility by rolling a ball back and forth with her. Or hold a toy in front of her and move it from side to side, which will encourage her to lean this way and that. As she lunges forward or crawls, she'll develop more strength in her neck, back, legs, and arms, as well as more control of her hips -- enabling her to pull herself up to a standing position -- and safely plop down again.

Once she can stand:
Let her walk in front of you while you hold her hands -- and periodically let go of one hand so she can experiment with balance. Or stand a few feet away from her and cheer her on when she's standing on her own. Offer lots of encouragement and praise.

Once she can cruise:
After she has mastered standing, she may start to leave her handprints all over the house as she cruises from the wall to a chair to the coffee table. Help her by arranging sturdy furniture so she can make her way across the room. She may not yet be able to sit from a standing position, which she'll want to learn to do before walking on her own. Be close by so you can help ease her butt down with your hand; then she'll be able to sit without hurting her bottom.