Thursday, January 24, 2008

Head bump Baby

Well. Not really actually.. If I had to be honest with you, Thena bumps like manytimes at anywhere..
but this morning bumps was the worst of all..

She fell down from bed !!!!!!
It was 7am, Manda & Panda was really tired after the whole night trying to get Thena to a really nice sleep, covering her from rolling-and-rolling-and-rolling over everywhere on the bed. So when it was 5am, we thought she had given up, zip some milks, and straight to sleep. And both parents decided to also take some sleep. Unfortunately, I could only hear a big BUMP on the floor, and "hyeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and all of the suddedn realizing she was not around on the bed, went to the floor and see her there, makes my heart fell from 6th floor building.. Underneath her was the giant pillow we used to cover the end side of bed -- the pillow that we thought she could never had the strength to move -- but yet, she did. Somehow. She might kick that huge pillow to the floor, and with her ability to try to get down from the bed (which I admitted, that she's really great at 'backtrack style')... I hope, feet first then BUMP, feel on butt and head on ground. I just hope that her head is not injured by any other bumps than the ground.... I'm just scared.... totally freaking out!!!
I guess we're gonna start using her baby-craddle for a night time sleep...
NEVER EVER AGAIN for Manda & Panda to this reckless !!!! NEVER!!!!
I hope she's not internally injured....
Do I need to check to doctor for this? I think I should yaa... I starting to terrified....