Friday, January 23, 2009


My so grown up baby has this universal language which she use at most for many meaning, it's:
just like an apple button on Mac, this 'MIMA' talkings means a LOT!
Here are some definition that I found out up to today:
1. MIMA = Mommy, perhaps because she was talking with speed and without any pause -- mommymommymommymommymommy....
2. MIMA = MAMI = EYANG, fyi, I called my mum 'Mami' hence she start calling her grandma with mami.. again -- it's constantly repeated.
3. MIMA = Mimi = 'I Want Milk'
4. MIMA = Minta = 'I want it'
5. MIMA = just being nagging and that she think mima is a mumbling sentence at her intermediate babbling classes :p
6. MIMA = 'I want mommy's breastmilk'
7. MIMA = 'that one'

Thats all for now.. I will update if there are more to come :)