I'm so sorry Athena,
for not always being there for you,
for not always giving you my arms,
for not always cuddlying you everynight,
When I said that you are my reason of being,
Never in my mind that I blame you,
Never in my mind that I shame on you,
Never in my mind that I meant to hurt you,
But what was done in real life cant always be explained,
For you are always my reason of being,
the reason I'm living and working so hard,
the reason that I'm staying late at night,
I am to you a mum,
but you will know that I need to be
a sister,
a daughter,
and at the same time a very supportive wife.
And when I thought life was being hard on me,
I thought of your smile... and how you make my life worthwhile...
to see you smile, each and every day...
You are my reason of being, trying to be a very good person to everyone,
being a better person for everyone..
so that everyone will be nice to you,
being a better someone,
so that karma will be nice to you,
you are my only reason left to come home,
being a good daughter,
so that life ease its way to yours,
being a good sister,
so that everyone being so helpful to you,
being a good wife,
so that you will have a good life... a perfect life that I've dreamt of...
am not being a perfect mum cause I know I will dissapoint you one day,
but I will try to be there for you, as much as I could..
beyond all what people said,
Only God who knows how I feel inside..
how I live and survive each day,
just to see you smile.
and kiss you good night.
and everynight,
I'm sorry Athena... for leaving you everymorning...
Monday, October 27, 2008
I'm sorry..
Posted by Shalia.Athena.Rivera at 4:25 AM 0 comments
Labels: feelings
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Athena on Runway
Hey All,
I'm exercising for my future sidejob here,
And Mamanda thought she could make a good fashion photographer ;-)

Posted by Shalia.Athena.Rivera at 12:55 AM 1 comments
Monday, July 28, 2008
Confession of a Clumsy Mom !
I have to confess.
I'm not a good mom. I might not give my baby a good example of being a mom.
And even worst I hurt her at many times.
Accidentally. But I knew she's hurt. And yet she never failed to forgive me.
It's my failure for not being more careful in handling her.
I'm the bad one.
I used to be a freak mom. I hate most people who handle my baby like a sack of meat.
I have never treated my baby that way.
But the clumsy thing in me, sometimes end up hurting her.
Yesterday was one HUGE failure.
I tripped over my oversized pants while holding her, and at few seconds I know I will fall badly.
I have only 2 options : Let her go OR Keep her.
If I let her go then she would fall badly to the hard floor, which I can't imagine myself for doing that. She's my baby and not some laptop bag that I could just throw away to make my arms available for covering my face from the floor.
If I keep her, I have to use my elbow to hit the floor hence my hands could save her back & head against the floor. But I have to sacrifice getting her body underneath me -- otherwise, I end up bumping head first then body.
My elbow, that's the key. I take option 2. And her legs went under my belly.
My biggest fear was that for about few seconds I could sense her legs tightened up and she began to scream. I'm scared to death that something happened with her. I save her head I knew I did. I make sure my both elbow hit the ground firstly before my arms & hands.
But I couldnt save her legs.
I'm huge, if you notice that. And I couldnt forgive myself for letting anything happen to her.
She turns out fine and I check every bruises possibly happen. Nothing. I touch her leg and try to move up and down, she's stopped crying. I guess it was fine. But I'm still looking for scan when we're down to hospital.
I've been spending hard time in the car, just figuring out why cant I move my body upside down, hence the possibility of my body hitting the floor is more as option. I think of why shouldnt I throw my self to the side hence my shoulder and head be the option. I think of anything I wish to do. But the most is I wish not to fall. to be more carefull.
I didnt wearing any highheels so that you know -- but I guess that made the pants a lot longer than it used to be...
That's the worst thing that ever happen to me being a mom -- I wish my baby forgive me when she knows it oneday.
If there's anything that I could possibly do, I would spare my life for that.
I will try to be a better Mom for you Athena.. but some parts.. I'm sorry for being a reckless mom....
Posted by Shalia.Athena.Rivera at 2:20 AM 0 comments
Labels: feelings, learn from life
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Little Athena's 1st year
Happy Birthday my little Athena,
May you grow healthily and happily ever after.
May you grow knowing the goodness of Athena, and bring goodness to others. There are lots of things in life that you will found enriches by sharing to others – like love & care, knowledge & experience, and happiness. You might found things cherish you and makes you grateful, but you might also learn things about disappointments & anger. If I were there to advice you, then I will say for you to deal with each any unpleasant thing, learn to be strong to stand on your feet or be brave enough to ask for help. Those things were the secrets of life – things that will eventually help your way to a better person – granting you wisdom of life.
And never forget that the best future one’s ever had is hope --- hence pray & make your efforts.
Don’t grow jealousy over others as nobody’s perfect; people born with problems for them to learn how to solve. At most, be yourself and take pride of the value you live in. You might not listen to me one day, but your heart & mind will tell you the truth. Be proud of yourself as I will always be proud of you.
Thank you my little Athena, you’ve made my remarkable life ever since you’re within me. It’s been a year of magical life.
Posted by Shalia.Athena.Rivera at 8:23 PM 3 comments
Labels: first, learn from life
Monday, June 23, 2008
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Sunny Sunday Stroller -- Thena literally walk!
One Sunday morning,
Thena took a walk with eyang, manda, and panda...
literally walk! pushing her stroller down the park in Senayan area.
showing off to the world that she manage to walk by herself -- well not really by herself, she still need something to hold onto -- a stick, stroller, hands, tree, cookies... anything that make her grasp something, then she'll walk!
look at her. Eyang hold the stroller from behind to keep her not running away from us.
at her 10 months. she walks!
smile, and blinking her eyes!
walk walk walk.. and sometimes a bit hurry to run... but never want to stop.
these pics were taken on May 4th 2008. sunny sunday
Here are some sharing tips (learn from Eyang) to make your baby walk at earliest stage.
- Make sure your calcium needs are fully-fulfilled since pregnancy to breastfeeding time. If you have milk -- try broccolis
- When your baby reach 3 months, try to wash down her back neck with natural water (morning cold water-- Indonesian temperature of course!). It will help strengthen her back upper spine and induce her to move her back spine as in trying to sit from lying position. Do this every after bath time.
- Give her something to kick with! baby play gym, pillow, blanket, everything hence she'll try to move her feet and push them away and back and away again....
- When she reach 7 months -- and doctor said, it's okay for her to try to stand on her feet without having to fear of her leg not growing well -- try to give her bath with normal temperature water (not hot water). It helps her to have stronger bones & body, and also help to befriend with nature.
- Don't do the baby walker. just arrange your furniture and stuff hence she'll response to her will in trying to step up and move her leg.
- Try put a mirror up front her playing box. She'll learn to stand to see her self and be motivated to keep standing and play hide and seek with her reflection
- motivate - motivate - motivate - challenge - challenge - challenge.
That's my personal experience with Thena which walk at 10mos. But for all who'd like to seek more info from the expert, here is one:
How to encourage walking
It takes most babies about 1,000 hours of practice from the time they pull themselves upright to the time they can walk alone. To help prepare your child for taking those first few steps:
From birth:
The single most important requirement for walking: strong back muscles, which babies develop by lifting their heads while lying on their tummies. So make sure yours gets plenty of tummy time while awake. Place interesting toys and objects just out of reach for motivation.
Once she can sit:
Help her practice her balance and mobility by rolling a ball back and forth with her. Or hold a toy in front of her and move it from side to side, which will encourage her to lean this way and that. As she lunges forward or crawls, she'll develop more strength in her neck, back, legs, and arms, as well as more control of her hips -- enabling her to pull herself up to a standing position -- and safely plop down again.
Once she can stand:
Let her walk in front of you while you hold her hands -- and periodically let go of one hand so she can experiment with balance. Or stand a few feet away from her and cheer her on when she's standing on her own. Offer lots of encouragement and praise.
Once she can cruise:
After she has mastered standing, she may start to leave her handprints all over the house as she cruises from the wall to a chair to the coffee table. Help her by arranging sturdy furniture so she can make her way across the room. She may not yet be able to sit from a standing position, which she'll want to learn to do before walking on her own. Be close by so you can help ease her butt down with your hand; then she'll be able to sit without hurting her bottom.
Posted by Shalia.Athena.Rivera at 4:39 AM 0 comments
Labels: first
Friday, April 18, 2008
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
First Time "Mama" intentionally!
"I Have a very SMART baby" =)
It's been a couple of busy week when I got home and I found little Athena asleep already,
I miss playing around with her before bed time,
It's the time when she showed off all her ability within that day.
Yes she understand showing off =)
Last night I went late again, and all I can do was looking at her falling asleep peacefully -- well not that peacefully if you can see her going round in about 280degree while sleeping.. hehehe...
It's been a happy ritual for me to breasfeed her at night,
One ultimate enjoyment which she can only got when Mamanda was home.
And yess... I love breastfeeding her, even till now that she has reached 9 months.
But as this breastmilk went lesser and lesser in along with the morning came...
I finally asked Panda to prepare a bottle of milk.
But, apparently Then knew the difference between the real nipple and the bottle-nipple, she refused to drink from the bottle and said:
"Mama... Mama..."
and padding onto my breastmilk!
I was so delighted that I couldn't sleep anymore...
She actually said "Mama.. " and padding at me!
I know that she's capable of padding herself while we asked "where's Thena?" and that she managed to notice who's been called what, like "Eyang", "Panda"... etc... but never really hear her saying "Mama..." and padding at Mamanda.....
Posted by Shalia.Athena.Rivera at 11:47 PM 0 comments
Labels: first
Monday, March 31, 2008
Fly high my dear Athena
Fly up high my baby...
Fly away to the sky my baby...
Up up to the sky without fear...
Yes fly away & smile so wide...
spread your wings,
raise your hands,
your dream is a sweet beginning...
of tomorrow's can tell,
I raise you high,
for you to be wise enough,
to groom wings to other who need,
lend yours for people in desperate,
share your love, share your laugh,
for that simplest thing meant so much to others..
my love will stay in your heart.
Posted by Shalia.Athena.Rivera at 5:37 AM 0 comments
Labels: thoughts
Friday, March 28, 2008
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Baby Talks and how to stimulate the talkings
when your babies reaches 7 months or older, they start babbling many words... merrier than before they could babble. When my baby was yet one month year old, she used to babble "mamamamama......" and "acrreeew". But on later months, she will learn from hearing that some words are meant to be spoken.. like she start knowing that Yamm-Yamm means meal time... or that they start knowing that some words refer to someone.
Thena started recognizing her name when she was like 3 months, though we have different nicknames to call her, but still she noticed that. And she noticed a lot on her parents or family that are close with her..
Like one time Thena spending 3 nights sleeping with Manda only, without Panda. Thena notice the not-being-around Panda, by pointing to Panda's photo at the bedroom wall.
Thena start pointing fingers at 7 months, that's when she started trying to tell what she wanted and what she liked. And apparently this month, Thena start clapping her hands when she fond of something, or when she was happy.
She celebrates everydays enjoyment of her life by clapping her hands..
Especially when Manda sings "Paddy Cake Paddy Cake.. Baker's a man.. bake me a cake as fast as you can!" or in eyang's version : "Pok ame ame, belalang kupu kupu, siang makan nasi, malam minum susu " hehehe......
I think these days are moments when Thena start learning the language through visual cues.
Well, she learned in advance apparently thru pointing fingers & clapping her hands.
and now, Manda & Eyang start to teach her the visual cues of sleeping, hungry, want some milk, and of course poop-time ^_^.
Manda also exercising Thena to understand "no-no" sign and "yes, it's okay" sign from Manda.
One thing she understand well due to her headbump to the chair... she understand the "Bump & ea--ea--" as a sign of hurt -- well taught by Eyang ^_^
Visual cues like that help us to understand the baby better. Understanding her "needs & wants" help to smoothen the communication in which will leverage the interaction level between baby & adult. Effective communication & human interaction will definitely contribute a positive impact towards babies.
Like eyang said, Babies learn to grow... they'will not become babies forever. That's why we should motivate & stimulate our baby aas best as we can.
Attached is a very good article from babycenter.com to read for Mommies & those related with Babies...
Babies discern languages through visual cues
THURSDAY, May 24 (HealthDay News) — Infants can tell the difference between two languages without hearing the spoken words, simply by watching the face of the adult who is talking, a Canadian study says."It is important, because it tells us how babies are prepared to learn multiple languages," said Whitney Weikum, a doctoral candidate in neural sciences at the University of British Columbia who led the experiment.
Working under the supervision of Janet Werker, a professor of psychology at the university, Weikum had three groups of infants, ages 4, 6 and 8 months, from bilingual Canadian homes watch silent video clips of an adult speaking either French or English.
"The baby watches the screen and sees the faces of the people talking," Weikum said. "When the baby's looking time declines, the computer switches and starts a clip of an adult talking the other language. The baby notices the switch and starts watching the screen again."
That ability to tell the difference can diminish over time, depending on what languages are spoken in the home, the study found. Eight-month-old babies from bilingual French-English homes would return their attention to the screen when the language was changed. But the ability to tell the difference was lost at about 8 months of age by babies from homes where only one language was spoken.
One point made by the study, published in the May 25 issue of the journal Science, is that "language is multimodal," Weikum said. "Studies have shown that aural cues are important. This now shows the importance of visual cues."
Laura-Ann Petitto, a cognitive neuroscientist who is director of the Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory for Language, Bilingualism and Child Development at Dartmouth College, said: "This is a landmark study about the ways that babies use multiple cues to enable them to distinguish between languages. The study suggests that, at an abstract and deep level, the learning brain might not be tied to speech itself."
It has been known that young deaf babies use visual cues to help them learn language, Petitto said, "but we never dreamed that a hearing baby can also be learning language using visual cues."
Petitto said the study has "important implications," because "it supports the belief that the brain can use multiple cues in language processing and suggests that multiple cues in teaching languages can be beneficial."
The findings also have practical applications for remedial speech teaching, Petitto said. "Various remedial tools use multi-stimuli," she said. "This is wonderful confirmation that the multiple cues that we give babies are actually useful."
Peter Gordon, associate professor of speech and language pathology at Teachers College of Columbia University, said an interesting follow-up study would be to add another language to the mix.
"If we gave them say, Russian or Chinese, a language that they are not adapted to, we would predict that they would be like the monolingual group," he said.
-- Ed Edelson, HealthDay News
Posted by Shalia.Athena.Rivera at 9:46 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 17, 2008
Six Teeth at 8th months
I was surprisingly astonish that my baby has 6 teeth already!
No wonder she bites everything, seems like wanting the whole world to know
Upper Central & Lateral Incisor & Lower central incisor!
A lovely surprise for the long weekend!
Posted by Shalia.Athena.Rivera at 5:09 AM 0 comments
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Day Care List
Jakarta Pusat
1. Budi Mulia Jl. Mangga Besar Raya Jakarta Pusat
2. Holy Angel, Jl. Tanah Abang II No. 11, Jakarta Pusat. Tel 3809577
3. Mutiara Indonesia cab. mangga besar Jl. Mangga Besar VI/50 Jak-Pus, 11150
4. Mutiara Indonesia cab. Pejompongan Jl. Tondano no. 12 Jak-Pus 570-8697
5. Mutiara Indonesia Jl. Cik Ditiro, Menteng, Jak-Pus
6. Regency Playgroup cab. cempaka putih Jl. Rawasari Selatan, Cempaka Putih, Jak-Pus, 10570
7. Regency Playgroup cab. Petojo Jl. Pembangunan II/8 Petojo Utara, Jak-Pus, 10130 384-9083
8. Regency playgroup cab. senen Jl. Kepu Selatan, Senen, Bungur, Jak-Pus, 10460
9. TK Ar Rahman Belakang Hotel Regent, Jak-Pus
10. TK Mini Pak Kasur Cikini V/2, Jak-Pus 338-179
Jakarta Selatan
1. Bambino Jl. Brawijaya no. 4, Kebayoran Baru, Jak-Sel 720-3356
2. Bina Keluarga Balita (menengah-bawah Kelurahan Duren tiga, Pancoran, Jak-Sel
3. Ceria Montessori Jl. Simpruk Golf IIIJakarta SelatanTel. 7221369
4. Delima Jl. Bangka XI-C/9B, Kemang, Jak-Sel 719-6236 719-1144
5. High/Scope Pre-School Jl. Metro Pondok Indah No. 33, Jak-Sel 780-7644/722-2325
6. Kartini Pre School Jl. Raya Cilandak KKO No. 60 Jakarta SelatanTel. 7807644
7. Kembang Jl. Kemang II/1, Jak-Sel 799-5016
8. Kidsports Family Fun & Fitness Kompleks Pondok Indah Golf and Country Club, Jl. Metro Pondok Indah No. 1, Jakarta 12310 751-2403, 766-5028, 766-5029 5209366
9. Kids'World - fun educational centre at Jalan Suryo no. 5 - Senopati Jakarta Selatan. Telp 72792075, 72794369
10. Kinderfield at Mall Ambassador Lt. 5 Casablanca Ph.5762376
11. Kinderland Pre School Pondok Indah Housing Estate Jl. Sekolah Duta V No. 3 Pondok IndahJakarta Selatan Tel. 7653077
12. Kinderland Pre SchoolBona Indah Housing EstateJl. Bona Vista RayaLebak Bulus, Jakarta SelatanTel. 7692988, 7692989
13. Mutiara Indonesia cab. Bintaro Jl. RSC Veteran no. 20, Jak-Sel
14. Mutiara Indonesia cab. Cinere, Jl. Cinere Raya no.19. Telp.7543730
15. Mutiara Indonesia cab. Cipete Jl. Gaharu II/15, Jak-Sel 754-3730
16. Mutiara Indonesia cab. Kalibata Jl. Kalibata Tengah no. 5, Jak-Sel
17. Mutiara Indonesia cab. Pamulang, Jl. Molek Raya Blok AX.24 no. 1 dan 2, Pamulang Permai, telp. 74705001.
18. OSSC(One Stop Study Center), yayasan Tunas Muda Jl. Iskandarsyah I no. 11, Kebayoran Baru, Jak-Sel 730-3422
19. Pondok Indah Montesorri Jl. Metro Pondok Indah TG XI 39, Jak-Sel 765-4617
20. Regency Playgroup cab. Kebayoran Jl. Wijaya X/I, Kebayoran Baru, Jak-Sel, 12310
21. Regency Playgroup cab. Tebet Jl. Tebet Barat XII/3, Jak-Sel, 12810
22. Shinning Stars,Jl Elang Raya, Bintaro sektor 9 Telp: 74861012
23. Start Bright Pre School Jl. Hang Tuah II/2, Kebayoran Baru, Jak-Sel 765-4617
24. Sunshine Pre School, Yayasan Pengembangan Anak Mentari Sunshine Pre School Jl. Lamandau IV no. 1, Jak-Sel 726-5515/726-5516
25. Tadikapuri, cab. Blok M Jl. Panglima Polim V/62, Kebayoran Baru, Jak-Sel, 12160
26. Tadikapuri, cab. Kebayoran Baru Jl. Dharmawangsa I/22, Jak-Sel, 12160
27. Tadikapuri, cab. Kebayoran Baru Jl. Raya I/33, Kebayoran Baru, Jak-Sel, 12120
28. Tadikapuri, cab. Kebayoran Baru Wijaya Grand Center Blok A 11, Jl. Wijaya II, Jak-Sel, 12160
29. Taman Bermain Kepompong Jl. Bangka Raya 99B, Jak-Sel, 12720
30. Teddy Bear Taman Balita Jl. Metro Pondok Indah 61, Jak-Sel 769-1701
31. The Kids Club Fan Languages International Jl. Cikajang 56, Kebayoran Baru, Jak-Sel 726-9390
32. TK Mini Pak Kasur Jl. H. Noor. Pasar Minggu 7946568
33. Tumble Tots Mall Ambassador Lt. 5 Casablanca Ph.5760376
34. Tumble Tots Pondok Indah Plaza II, Jl. Metro Pondok Duta Niaga Blok BA II no. 43, Tel : 7510454
35. Tutor Time cab. Kemang Jalan Kemang Utara no. 56 Jak-Sel 12730 Tel: 71793139, 7182087
36. Tutor Time cab. Pondok Indah Jl. Arteri Pondok Indah no. 1, Jak-Sel (behind QB Plaza) Tel: 72798185, 72798223
37. Tutor Time Jl. Kemang Utara 56, Jak-Sel 799-3139
38. Yayasan Brawijaya Brawijaya Apartments Ground FL, Jl. Brawijaya XII no.1, Jak-Sel 722-7221
Jakarta Timur
1. ABC kids - Bukit Rafflesia blok E-2, Cibubur telp. 8454508
2. Kinderland Pre School Pulo Mas Housing Estate Jl. Kayu Putih Raya Blok A IV Kav. 1-4 Pulo Mas, Jakarta Timur Tel. 4706722, 9111635
3. Mutiara Indonesia cab. Pondok Kelapa jl. Kelapa Hijau Raya Blok M No. 8-9, Kompleks Billy & Moon, Jak-Tim 864-2960
4. Mutiara Indonesia cab. Pulomas Jl. Kayu Putih Selatan Kav. IV D No. 58, Jak-Tim 471-3168
5. Pelangi playgroup Komplek Taman Modern Cakung, Blok G2 No 17 Cakung - Jakarta Timur Telp 4619166
6. Regency Playgroup cab. Cipinang Jl. Cipinang Elok II, Cipinang Muara, Jaktim, 13420
7. Regency Playgroup cab. Matraman Jl. Slamet Riyadi 8A, Jaktim, 13150
Jakarta Barat
1. Aisyah 2 Jl. Susilo 1 Rt013/03, Jak-Bar 563-397
2. Al-Azhar Jl. Kemandoran I/79, Jak-Bar 532-7437
3. Anggrek Mal, 4th Unit E05 563-9247
4. Ciputra Mal 5th Fl Unit 33 560-5544
5. Dunia Montessori Taman Surya III J4 no. 7, Jak-Bar 545-8330
6. Ecclesia Jl. Taman Ratu Blok A-1/22, Jak-Bar 565-0851
7. Gracefields Kindergarten Jl. Kembang Abadi VII Blok A 14/14 Puri Indah-11610 (021)- 5803811/581-7182
8. Kawan-Kawan Selvy Jl. Srengseng Kembangan Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta Barat e-mail: selvy@asia.com
9. Kinderland Pre School, Yayasan Bumi Raya Putra Jl. Surya Gardenia, Sunrise Garden, Jak-Bar, 11520 580-2323, 911-1635
10. Kinderworld Montessori Preschool, Jl. Kembang Sakti Timur I Blok D-9 NO. 21-22, Puri Indah, Jakarta Barat, Tel 5805088
11. Ladybird Preschool and English Activity Center Jl. Surya Timur W/26 Sunrise Garden, Jakarta Barat 11520 (021)-580-0389/530-5892
12. Lolly Pop Surya Utama J/8 Sunrise Garden, Jak-Bar 581-8725
13. Mutiara Indonesia cab. Citra Garden Perumahan Taman Surya II Blok B4 no. 1, Kalideres, Jak-Bar 544-1039
14. Mutiara Indonesia cab. Taman Surya, Perumahan Taman Surya II Blok B 4/1. Telp. 5441039
15. Mutiara Indonesia cab. Tanjung Duren, Jl. Kebon Raya 11 JakBar, tel. 5652526
16. Mutiara Indonesia Jl. Srengseng Raya no. 17. Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta Barat 5841384
17. OSSC(One Stop Study Center), Yayasan Tunas Muda Jl. Kedoya Angsana D13 no. 1 dan 18, Jak-Bar 580-2035
18. Permata Indonesia Jl. Mandala Raya No. 5 Jakarta Barat Tel. 5682229
19. Puri Indah, Rukan Sentra Niaga Puri Indah T3/16 583-02982-3
20. Regency Playgroup Jl. Akasia Baru B 10/25, Taman Kedoya Baru 580-0294
21. Sanggar Bobo Mal Ciputra
22. Saraswati Jl. Raya Kembangan II, Jak-Bar 580-8904
23. Saraswati Pre-School Jl Raya Pejuangan no. 28, Kb. Jeruk Jakarta Barat
24. The Kids Club Fun Languages International Jl. Penyelesaian Tomang I Blok 7/13, Meruya, Jakarta Barat 586-9958
25. Tutor Time cab. Jak Bar, Jl. Puri Kencana Blok L7/1, ph: 5811664, 58300003
Jakarta Utara
1. Mutiara Indonesia cab Sunter Blok HA 5 no. 1, Sunter Agung Pogomoro, Jak-Ut 082-131102
2. Mutiara Indonesia cab. Kelapa Gading, Jl. Janur Elok IV, Blok QE 9 no. 1, Kelapa Gading, Jakut. Telp. 4529301
3. Regency Playgroup cab. Pluit Jl. Pluit Barat VI no. 24, Penjaringan, Jak-Ut, 14450
4. Regency Playgroup cab. Tanjung Priok Jl. Flamboyan 101/1, T. Priok, Jak-Ut, 13420
5. Tumble Tots Wisma ADR 5th Floor, Jl. Pluit Selatan no. 1A 661-9290 661-9270
6. Tutor Time cab. Kelapa Gading I Jl. Raya Janur Elok QC 14/12, Kelapa Gading, Jak-Ut Tel: 4516269, 4516913
7. Tutor Time cab. Kelapa Gading II Komp. Ruko Bukit Gading Indah O15/16, Kelapa Gading, Jak-Ut Tel: 45842794-95
8. Tutor Time cab. Pluit, Jl. Pluit Utara Raya No. 72, Tel : 6692513, 6619860
1. Al-Muzzammil, Playgroup / Tk, Perum Graha Indah-Bekasi ph : 849 94346
2. Mutiara Indonesia cab. Bekasi (TK+SD) Jl. Cikunir Kampung Dua, Jaka Sampurna - Bekasi Selatan. Telp. 8867163
3. TK Al- Azhar Kemang Pratama, Pekayon Ph : 885 5758
4. TK Ar Rahman, Komplek Perum Graha Indah - Bekasi Ph : 849 70136
1. Mutiara Indonesia cab. Bogor, Jl. Cikurai no. 17. Telp. 0251-354642
1. Mutiara Indonesia cab. BSD : Sektor XIV1-4-11, telp.5381255
2. Mutiara Indonesia cab. Citra Raya Jl. Raya Serang km. 14.7 kec.cikupa Tangerang. Telp. 5969087
1. Mutiara Indonesia cab. Depok, Jl. Kartini no. 56A, Margonda Ujung Depok. Telp. 7762610
2. TKIT Az Zahra, Kompleks Perum Kemang Ifi Graha -Bekasi Ph : 821 4487
1. Mutiara Indonesia cab. Bandung 1, Jl. Suka Wangi no.5 (Setia Budi), Bandung - 40153. Telp. 022-2038165, fax 022-231198
2. Mutiara Indonesia cab. Bandung 2, Jl. Ranggamalela no. 6. Telp.022-4203996
3. Tutor Time cab. Bandung, Jl. Dipati Ukur no. 7 (Jl. Kyai Gede Utama corner), Tel : 2500031, 2501145
Posted by Shalia.Athena.Rivera at 10:17 PM 19 comments
Labels: baby for dummies
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Athena's Curiosity

very curious to things,
sometimes with the ants on the floor,
the wall lizard in the room,
and today's.. on the grasshoppers.
"What could that greeny thing be?"
"Mommy, it's looking at me!"
"it's nodding its head!"
"it has antena just like TV!"
"Mommy mommy, I think it's sad..."
And well... Thena is in a very curious moment where she doesn't afraid of anything but Manda (hehehe)..
Ants were afraid of Thena , she chase them all over the terrace and scare them away... Lucky for the wall lizard, then couldn't chase them so they could peacefully hide somewhere behind the photos.
But this grasshoper.. Thena sorta smash and squeeze it, we told her not to squeeze too hard and to let it go.. she let it go yes, but not her eyes.. and we distract her with something else... (with Manda's ASI actually)
But poor Grasshopper apparently too dizzy or weak or I don't know why... the next 20 minutes I saw it was being taken over by the ants on Eyang's front yards. poor grasshopper.... Manda & Panda felt so guilty...
Posted by Shalia.Athena.Rivera at 5:40 AM 0 comments
Labels: snapshot
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Shop shop shop
Manda's biggest sins when I was a first jobber were SHOES... lotta shoes.....
and Jackets..... love jackets !
Known as impulsive buyer, I believe in the gratification of unsuspected shopping pleasure.
There were certain months when I targeted to get a job done and treat myself with a white pump shoes... or red shoes... or even polka dot one (of which I just realized that I never wore the polka dot one....). Bought 3-4 for every day of purchase. Obsessed with 1 but end up purchasing 3. And there were certain moments when I planned to buy a shirt, but end up buying 2 with the same type & motive but different color!!
And not mentioning purchasing Jacket to every business trip.
Then my size get larger, my body size & my shoes size.
Then I got married and thought, hey I will manage my life better -- spent on the necessary ones and by the way -- it's not very easy to get what I want with my current size.
Then I got pregnant...
and start over to buy baby things. I said to myself, Hey it's very normal, it's my first child!
And when the baby girl was born...
the shopping for ultimate pleasure devil is back! hahahah
I know I have a bad habit of purchasing things spontaneously, so yes I limited my self exposure to Mothercare. Yeuuuppp!
I said to my self, try to limited yourself to go to a shopping points that can lure your eyes. Yes, I manage that.
But thanks to technology and internet.. I can browse lotsa stuffs here, and thought that I can survive, hahahaha...
I start buying things for Athena.
I love buying things for her! toys, shoes, dress, books, stuffs..
So, Yes, I still a shoes-a-holic, but in little thena's size ^_^
This sin is fortunately forgiven by everyone, hehehe
Eyang can say nothing.... and Panda can only smiles....
and the best is that Thena smiles !
But Thena darling, when you're older, you should be wiser than me... yes you should.... hehehe
Posted by Shalia.Athena.Rivera at 12:55 AM 0 comments
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Weekend at Bogor
On a sunny saturday....
February 23rd 2008,
just a week to eight months year-old Athena was visiting Eyang Kakung's house in Bogor. "Yes, Eyang, here we come!"
Thena was all prepared waiting for Papanda to come back from his high school reunion and let's get going to Eyang's.
Eyang's been beeping mamanda all morning!
And finally Papanda came home. Ok Papanda let's go straight to Bogor!
Turn out that Bogor is far from sunny.
We arrive there safely. And Eyang promptly hold Athena =)Hehehe...
This is Thena's face template when he was confused..
she probably hasn't met Eyang in quite a long time...
Thena's face saying "Help me Mamanda!"
hahaha... kidding..
Let's go for a night-ride!
Little Thena is all set up with her long legged dolly on the back, and all the tiny animal stuffs upfront...
"yes yes I'm prepared!"
Little Thena with her walker buggy start exploring Eyang Kakung's house....
Again with Eyang in the Morning...
And near Saung Saungan....
What a nice weekends !
Posted by Shalia.Athena.Rivera at 3:39 AM 0 comments
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Favourite baby link
Little Thena's Fave :
up to this moment...
The most complete ones
The most fancy ones
The most exciting ones
Posted by Shalia.Athena.Rivera at 10:59 PM 0 comments
Thought for Tomorrow
Little Athena,
One day you'll learn,
that not every bad people is bad,
and not every nice people is really nice.
above all, no one can ever admit of loving you as much as I do.
I've experience accompanied by you for 41 weeks,
Shared my breath, my heart, and my blood,
I cherish every moment breastfeeding you, even that I know I couldn't give you enough.
I cherish the nights when you snuggle to me and snap-snap your pretty full lips.
I blessed all the moments I can have with you, just watching you sleep...
I blessed all the moments of lullabying you, cradling you in my arms,
I treasure my heartbeat when I see you smile,
I treasure your babbling anything for a while,
when you learn something new, I discovered more reason to love you more..
I want you to be with you when you learn about the world,
all the things that sets your tears, all the things that made you think.
If I were to be selfish, I would say, I love you the most.
I will protect you when you can't protect yourself.
Been there. Choosing you over anyone else in this world.
Make enemies to people who hurt you intentionally and unintentionally.
Just to be sure, that's you're safe....
When you're growing older, I will be there to watch you're back..
I love you, more than I love myself.
Posted by Shalia.Athena.Rivera at 10:11 PM 0 comments
Labels: thoughts
Friday, February 15, 2008
Baby Site Review
To my version, of course.
Baby Website I like most:
1. www.babycenter.com
Visually : pretty, soft-tone, baby manner. Nice logo. Clinical. Pure & Soft.
Content Wise : Very Comprehensive. starting from pregnancy guide to babies for dummies up to child development. Well updated & maintained. Good navigation also. Inspirational for Mums
Member Benefit : monthly update to your pregnancy & baby, sharing stories & pictures.
I have been browsing this website eversince dealing with baby product, and now it's in my bookmark pages and I'm registered as member. I've got update regarding my baby's development every week along with what should go with it, the games, the nurturing, feeding , and even things to have. As far as I search this is the most complete one stop solution website for Mums -- including Mums life with spouse and even fashion. and one of the uniqueness is the stories shared by mum all over the world -- it gave me inspiration on child nurturing.
Even,it has the most specific answer to your question. So if you're clueless, you came to the right site. It's like a face of your bestfriend, whose husband is a doctor. Reliable but Friendly.
4 thumbs up!
2. www.mumcentre.co.id

Local Rules ! hehehe..
Visually : It is the most appealing local mum & baby site I have ever seen. Dynamic. Magazine-like. Colorful but not too 'Norak'
Content wise : Good Navigation system. You can find lots of information need by Mom & Baby. But unfortunately this website is considered new, hence not many mum joined yet. But I believe it would be one great site one day.
Membership Benefit: Monthly newsletter, discount -- free trial -- and it's all local, so it's more reachable yes.
I first visit this site from a link in nenenshop.com (a very nice baby online shopping -- and the store itself was nearby my office area ^_^) first come, really welcome with all the feature and appearance, and found really good stuff in there. Good information, about where to spend the holiday, the upcoming event for family, and complete with a pic of the week -- though I Haven't had my baby pic on it, but am aiming for it. Yes, I believe it's gonna be a great site.
Cheers & Carpe Diem !
3. www.baby-gaga.com

Visually : Simple & useful
Content Wise : Clear navigation and not too crowded. Very informative and yet could make you laugh for its caricature and column. For parents with babies, this site is more like a sharing site through forums. But of course, experience was the best teacher, hence this website give you information from the best teacher =)
Membership Benefit : Weekly update for pregnancy along with all related articles. But unfortunately it's not automatically linked to the baby ticker when it was born. So you have to re-register.
I first visit this site when googling for a pregnancy calendar. Of all pregnancy calendar, it has the most unique pregnancy calendar with the most nice-looking feature. and it has this column by the sarcastic journalist who review phases of pregnancy from a different point of view. More fun, different. yet awakening.
Don't Miss IT !
Posted by Shalia.Athena.Rivera at 1:35 AM 0 comments
Labels: baby for dummies, review
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Play With Baby
Here are some my favorite ideas on how to play a simple games with your baby.
Easy. Cheap. and Anytime.
1. Peek-A-boo
There's no limit to the versions of peekaboo your baby will enjoy. This one builds on your baby's fascination with facial expressions.
Skills developed: understanding of object permanence, fine motor
What you'll need: paper or cardboard; pens, scraps of cloth, scissors, glue
Remember that page in Pat the Bunny where you can lift up a slip of cloth and see Paul's face? Taking this as inspiration, make your own peekaboo pictures, using different characters and facial expressions. On several sturdy pieces of construction paper or cardboard, draw simple sketches of people, each with a happy, sad, or grumpy expression. If you'd rather not draw, cut out pictures from a magazine instead. Then cut rectangular pieces of cloth a little taller than each figure. Use glue to attach the cloth just above each picture, creating a flap that lifts up. When the glue is dry, show your baby how to raise the flaps. Make up a story about the person underneath, and end it with your baby "finding" the face.
Variations: Cut squares of cloth big enough to cover the faces, but leave the bodies uncovered. Or draw only faces rather than full figures.
2. Rattle & Roll
There's nothing like a rattle to excite budding young percussionists — although babies tend to tire of these toys faster than we'd like. Shake things up by making your baby his very own maracas to create new and different sounds.
Skills developed: fine motor, sense of rhythm
What you'll need: small containers such as film canisters, one-serving Tupperware containers with tightly fitting lids, empty yogurt cups, or half-pint milk cartons; fillers such as dried rice, macaroni, or beans; strong packing or duct tape
Empty film canisters (thoroughly scrubbed to get rid of that chemical smell) make perfect shakers for small hands. Empty yogurt cups and small Tupperware containers work well, too. If your baby is past the stage of putting everything in his mouth, cardboard toilet paper tubes with the ends taped over and half-pint milk cartons sealed shut are other great noisemakers, and they're easy to decorate with construction paper. Load each rattle with different fillers for a variety of tones. Then put on some snappy Latin jazz or salsa, sit your baby down with his new rhythm section, and get ready to rattle and roll!
Note: Prevent any choking hazard by taping all rattles tightly closed. And if your baby is the type to get it open no matter what, use bigger fillers such as bow-tie pasta or ping-pong balls.
3. Tug a - Lug
You may have noticed how your baby absolutely will not let go of something when you try to take it away. It's as if she's instinctively protecting her territory, and in a way, she is. (She's finally learned to hold on to things, and she's going to hold on tight.) Go along with that new doggedness by starting a game of tug-of-war.
Skills developed: gross motor
What you'll need: a dish towel or other small piece of cloth, or a soft toy
Let your baby grab hold of a dish towel or a toy such as a cloth-covered rattle. Then grab the other end of it and pull gently, testing her strength. As she gets used to this, it's fun to tug hard enough to actually lift her up slightly so her arms are supporting her own weight; which builds upper body strength. Think of it as your baby's first weight-lifting routine.
Remember: Each baby develops at a different pace, so if yours isn't quite ready for this week's activities, don't worry — just try them again in a few weeks.
4. Climb the cushion
Even as your baby learns to walk, she'll set her sights on climbing. You'll spend lots of extra minutes getting up your front steps and into the house because she'll want to scale the stairs all by herself — not once, not twice, but until you call off the ascent.
Skills developed: gross motor
What you'll need: lots of pillows from the bed, sofa, and elsewhere
Pile up a high stack of pillows for a safe, fun climbing activity. Use the largest, most stable pillows, such as couch cushions and bed pillows, on the bottom, then add chair pillows, throw pillows, and so on. Holding your baby steady, help her climb up the mountain of pillows and stand triumphant on top. If you have a lot of rectangular pillows, you can use them to create more of a stair-step structure, but you'll need to hold your baby's hand to make sure she doesn't step off the top tier into thin air.
Safety note: Never leave a baby alone with her pillow mountain; this activity should be supervised constantly. And move any furniture with sharp corners, so there's nothing for her to bang against if she falls.
5. Spoon Landing
Until your baby learns to feed himself, it's one of the great challenges of parenthood to get food into his mouth. These spoon maneuvers have met with swooping success.
Skills developed: being spoonfed
What you'll need: a baby spoon
While he may already have gotten wise to the tried-and-true "airplane coming in for a landing" trick, there are endless variations that can keep your baby open-mouthed (and that's what you want, right?) in astonishment. A good one for surprise value is "rocket, landing on the moon": Hold the spoon down below the table or high-chair tray, then bring it up quickly but carefully (as close to vertical as you can without spilling the contents) and gently place it in your baby's mouth just as you say "moon." Or, use a horizontal move to bring the spoon into your baby's field of vision as you say "here comes the racing speedboat" or try using an up-and-down bobbing motion to introduce a "whale swimming in the ocean." Some babies are particularly partial to choo-choo trains (a "chug-a-chug-a-whoo-whoo" sound as you bob the spoon along) and leaping dolphins (a dramatic arcing move sure to make a "splash").
6. Choo choo Tunnel
Best when your baby has lots of energy and is raring to go, this activity is a blast for new crawlers who have clearly "left the station."
Skills developed: crawling, gross motor
What you'll need: no equipment necessary
Stand with your legs a little wider apart than your shoulders. Tell your baby she's the train and you're the tunnel, then have her crawl through your legs. Add a few "chug-a-chug-a's" and train whistle sound effects as she passes through. After she's done this a few times, suggest that now the train needs to go through the tunnel quickly, before it collapses. As she passes through, squeeze your legs together and try to catch her (giving her a head start, of course), or lower your body (bending your knees) as if you're about to sit on her. Provided you don't get her overly excited while playing, this is a great way to tucker out a pre-walker before bed.
7.Kick It
etting ready to crawl, stand, and walk is a big challenge — all sorts of new muscles need to develop in those little legs. This kicking game develops gross motor coordination while your young go-getter's still "on the bench."
Skills developed: gross motor
What you'll need: a midsize plastic ball
Kneeling or sitting on the floor, hold your baby in front of you (and facing away from you) with one arm around his chest and the other hand supporting his bottom so his legs stick out in front of you both. Place a ball directly in front of him and help his feet kick the ball forward; then move forward so he can propel the ball across the floor, like a mini soccer star. Cheer encouragingly every time his foot makes contact with the ball, and point out how far he's "kicked" it. This makes a great game when you get your baby together with a playmate: The parents can position the players to face each other and kick the ball back and forth.
8. Where's the noise?
Squeaky toys are such favorites because babies love to be surprised by unexpected sounds. Add the fun of peekaboo and you have an audiovisual guessing game.
Skills developed: understanding of object permanence, hand-eye coordination
What you'll need: several noise-making toys; a dish towel or small blanket
Show your baby a squeaky toy, give it a good noisy squeeze, then cover it with a dish towel or small blanket and let him uncover it. Then cover it again and try making it squeak while it's still invisible — this is always good for a laugh and a rush to "discover" it. Substitute a toy that rattles, then one that makes a crunching noise or other unusual sound (you can make your own with a ball of waxed paper). For the final act, throw a blanket over a tape recorder, then push the button (through the blanket) to start up a tape. If nothing else has gotten a big reaction, this certainly will!
9. Story boards
For those times when the regular nighty-night routine seems a little too ho-hum, try substituting your very own hand-animated bedtime story.
Skills developed: verbal, auditory
What you'll need: a flannel board, available from educational toy stores and catalogs; sheets of colored felt and scissors, or purchased felt shapes
You can use traditional store-bought felt shapes, which usually come in themed sets (farm animals, numbers, faces) or make your own by cutting them out with scissors. A good place to start is with a "paper doll" made from felt in the same gender as your child, with a simple wardrobe or props that let you make it day or night, winter or summer. Then you can add a dog, cat, or rabbit, a simple house and car, and other elements to spin a tale that reflects your baby's life or interests.
Sit facing your baby with the felt board propped on your knees so it is clearly visible. Tell your story — any story, really; don't feel you have to be a master narrator — illustrating the major points with the felt shapes. You might start out, "Once upon a time there was a little boy (lay out the felt figure) who lived in a tiny house (lay out the house)." When your baby is a little older, it's fun — and very revealing — to have him tell you a felt-board bedtime story.
10. Photo Album
Recognizing familiar faces (including your own) is an enormous treat for your baby as he learns to identify people by name and association.
Skills developed: pattern recognition, fine motor
What you'll need: a small photo album — the type where the photos slide into clear plastic pockets
Buy a small photo album (one that holds 3-by-5- or 4-by-6-inch photos — one to a page is the best) and fill it with snapshots of your baby and the people in his life. In addition to relatives and family friends (the most typical photo subjects), make sure you include pictures of babysitters or caregivers, neighbors, and other babies and children you know.
11. Clap your hands!
There comes a miraculous moment, sometime around the 6-month mark, when your baby discovers she can spontaneously bring her hands together to touch each other. But even before she masters this skill, clapping games give her a thrill. What's more, they provide a chance to interact with you face-to-face and to try to mimic your actions.
Skills developed: two-hand coordination
What you'll need: no equipment necessary
Patty-cake is an old favorite for babies, but this version is a little more challenging. Sit your baby on the floor, then sit down cross-legged facing her. If she doesn't sit securely yet, prop a pillow behind her. Then sing this song (any tune will do), acting out the commands as you come to them.
Clap, clap, clap your hands
Clap your tiny hands
Clap, clap, clap your hands
Clap your tiny hands
Additional verses:
Stomp, stomp, stomp your feet... (and so on).
Pat, pat, pat your head... (and so on).
Rub, rub, rub your tummy... (and so on).
Help your baby make the movements herself, even if it means holding her ankles and stomping her feet for her. You can continue to make up sillier and sillier verses (wiggle your eyebrows; stick out your tongue) as long as she continues to giggle.
Give the album to your baby and tell him it's his very own. Sit with him and show him the photos, letting him communicate his feelings to you. He'll react to the familiar ones with excitement and point out any faces he doesn't recognize with a questioning expression. Then put the album in his bookshelf or toy box, where he can page through it on his own. It'll quickly become a favorite — and a lifesaver on plane trips and long car rides.
for more, pls visit www.babycenter.com
Posted by Shalia.Athena.Rivera at 5:54 AM 0 comments
Labels: baby for dummies
Tree Philosophy
Plant your child a strong root -- hence she will be strong enough to stand on her feet.
Spread your child as many branches -- hence she will reach her friends & family.
Grow your child as high to the sky -- hence she'll have high dreams that gives her courage.
That way, your child will grow as high up the sky; befriend with many people; but never forget where to come home.
One thing Athena...
There' a lot to learn in this world, and so many ways to learn them.
I learnt this one not from a family or relative.. but from a wise friend's parents.
And still remember it. It will be the way how I nurture you.
It called a Tree Philosophy.
As a child, one day you'll grow bigger. you'll have you're own way, own life, own dreams.. Perhaps next month you could even choose your own toys, shoes you like and don't like...
And I could only see you there, and said "I think... " instead of "You should"
Perhaps I will have that mother-syndrome. The one that thought that she can always read her baby's mind and knows what best for her.
Perhaps I will one day. And I hope you will forgive me.
Remind me that I should hang on to that tree philosophy.
I shall taught you how to stand on your feet. And how to survive.
I will be there in every moment of your growing days.
I wanna share you about dreams, and how it helps you see your future.
about dreams that keeps you sane and grateful.
about you being you.
Whwnver you're dreaming high, don't forget to hold on and get your feet on the ground.
Manda loves you. A lot.
Posted by Shalia.Athena.Rivera at 3:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: thoughts
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Some facts about teething baby....
Some people said that baby teething is associated with a mild rise in body temperature and some children who were shown to be teething did have some rise in body temperature to 100°F and a facial rash. But symptoms of teething and illness can be similar, so it's hard not to get confused in trying to understand what she really into. They said, don't just dismiss symptoms such as nappy rash, diarrhea or fever as teething. It could be part of the teething process.
And yes, Thena been a bit of all that. with bit crankiness which made everyone confuse, and trying to understand whether she wants to sleep, or play, or just sitting around. In the mid of many nights, she scream hard and leave me clueless...
But for all of you, here are some FAQ about baby teething..
When can I expect my child's first tooth to come in?
Teething can begin as early as 4 months of age, but most babies don't get their first tooth until 6 months. Teeth usually come in pairs. The bottom front two teeth typically show up first, followed by the top ones (both sets are called central incisors). Then the side front teeth (lateral incisors) fill in, followed by the molars and then the canines, which are the pointy teeth next to the front teeth. The back molars erupt last. Your baby should have a full set of primary teeth by age 3; permanent teeth won't begin to replace them until the child is 4 to 6 years old.
My baby was born with a tooth. Does it need to be pulled out?
It's rare, but some children already have a tooth when they're born, usually a bottom front tooth. It may be a real baby tooth or an extra tooth in the set that has grown over the baby tooth and permanent tooth underneath it. This extra tooth will fall out when the baby tooth erupts. But sometimes these teeth -- real or extra -- need to be removed, to avoid the risk of choking if they're loose, for example, so a tooth doesn't get in the way of breastfeeding.
My child is 8 months old and still doesn't have his first tooth. Is something wrong?
Don't worry. The first tooth can come in anytime between 4 and 12 months. If a tooth hasn't come in by 1 year, there's probably still no reason to worry if your child is growing fine otherwise -- he may just be a late bloomer. In rare instances, lack of teeth is a sign of metabolic disorder, but if that were the case, a child would have other growth problems as well.
My 4-month-old is drooling and chewing on his hand. Does this mean he's teething?
It's possible, but drooling and chewing aren't always signs of teething. Your baby is on the young side for teething, and at 4 months, it's natural for a baby to put objects into his mouth to explore them. Also at this age he's beginning to produce more saliva than he can swallow, which causes drooling. But if you notice that your child is also cranky and fussy, and he tends to chew or gnaw on the breast or bottle more than suck, that sounds like teething. Besides increased drooling, chewing, and crankiness, another common teething symptom is loss of appetite. Gum swelling and the resulting sensitivity to hot and cold foods will make eating uncomfortable for your baby, and can also interfere with sleeping.
In addition, when teeth are coming through, the gums will look swollen and bumpy, and they may be lighter or darker in color. Sometimes a bluish-red blister (called a hematoma) appears on the gum line where the tooth is coming in, and it may bleed a little when the tooth breaks the surface. Call your doctor if the blister lasts for more than a week without the tooth poking through.
My baby has a fever and a touch of diarrhea. Is that because he's teething?
Some doctors don't buy into the idea that these symptoms are related to teething, but other pediatricians, myself included, see a connection. The usual scenario is that a parent will bring in an irritable 6-month-old who has a low-grade fever (less than 100.5 degrees) and some mild diarrhea. The child is also drooling and chewing on his fingers or anything else near his mouth. An exam doesn't show any problem, and the parent is sent home with instructions for managing the fever. Then, two or three days later, a new tooth appears -- and soon after that the fever and diarrhea disappear. Be aware, though, that we sometimes blame these symptoms on teething when they may actually be the result of an infection. A good guideline is that whatever problem you think is due to teething should pass with treatment within 24 hours. If it doesn't your baby may actually be sick with something else and should be seen by a doctor.
What if my baby is pulling on his ear? Is that due to teething?
It's often hard to tell why a baby is pulling at his ear. Sometimes it's because there's too much wax in there, or he could have an ear infection. Some babies pull on their ear when they're sleepy. I usually tell parents to look at what else is going on at the same time. If your baby is casually scratching or rubbing at his ear but seems happy and playful, with only intermittent bouts of fussiness, then the problem may simply be teething -- a reaction to the tingling of the tooth nerves. But if your child has a moderate to high fever (higher than 101 degrees), gets more irritable when lying down or being fed, and has recently had a cold with congestion, an ear infection is the more likely cause.
How can I make my baby feel better?
The worst part of teething for you is seeing and hearing your baby in pain. But rest assured, things will get easier with each new tooth. Teething is most painful for the first
While your child is teething, excessive drooling can cause irritation around his mouth. Applying a little petroleum jelly there and on his lips can protect the skin. A frozen teething ring is very good for numbing the pain of teething and satisfying baby's need to chew and rub his gums. (Avoid the type of ring with stuff floating inside -- a vigorously chewing infant might gnaw through and swallow or choke on the little objects.) Even something as simple as a wet washcloth that your baby can chew on will provide relief. An age-appropriate dose of liquid infant pain reducer can also help. Ibuprofen is a good idea for nighttime because it lasts six to eight hours. But since acetaminophen is easier on a baby's stomach, it's a good daytime option. If you're going to use a topical teething ointment, which you may want to reapply often, make sure to follow the package instructions so you don't give your baby too much.
FYI, Baby Teething Period:
6 to 12 months | Lower two incisors or front teeth, followed by the upper two incisors or front teeth |
9 to 16 months | Two more incisors break through, top and bottom |
12 to 18 months | The first back molars emerge |
18 to 24 months | The canine teeth start to appear between the molars and incisors, and finally, the second molar teeth break through in the lower and upper back of the mouth |
Posted by Shalia.Athena.Rivera at 4:31 AM 1 comments
Labels: baby for dummies
Teething Baby Thena
Baby Thena is teething, definitely.
She's been teething to Manda's nipples lately. And it hurts so bad.
When she was a newborn, I could trick her with nipple shield, but now that she know the difference between the real nipple and the fake ones, hehehe -- sorry darling...
Thena start having her first tooth like 2 weeks before she reach 6 months. She had another tooth within the next month. And now, she's going to be eight month yet, completing the upper two incisors or front teeth exist already. And it's dreadful to be bitten to bleeding.. afraid if I had none nipple, It'll even worst...
I know Thena never meant to hurt Mamanda, and perhaps she's just having itch on her teeth. Or perhaps, she was so upset of her horrible teething experience. perhaps it was as hurt as what Manda felt. And Thena just couldn't tell but to show it. Being bitten doesn't stop me from breastfeeding though... I'm still doing it every night, cause I know that thing give comfort to Thena in every situation. It gives her the ultimate love.
Eyang said that whenever Thena bite, pinch her nose so that she lose the bite (she needs to breathe hence she open her mouth). But the thing was, we did a lot of nose-pinching as games, and she love it so bad! she even gave her nose to be pinched voluntarily.
So when this biting thing happens, Manda pinch her nose, and she laugh.
She thought it was a joke.
Manda told her that Thena hurt Mamanda.... and Thena just smiled... asking for more breastmilk.
It happens again and again. and even it makes her laugh. Yes, not only showing off some incisors, but also have sound. A laughing & giggling sound.
And Panda said, try on the nipple shield. At first Manda refuse, cause it would not give Thena the real feeling of breastfeeding -- afraid that she mixed the nipple shield with bottle milk.
But due to such pain, I tried it on.
At first Thena's feeling a bit awkward. She examined it as if t were something bugging her head. Then she tried to suck it, but it was horrible. It doesn't taste like Manda's skin. And since I have such a short nipple, she need more effort to suck the breastmilk out.
(It reminds me of her newborn time, I couldn't possibly figure how she can manage breastfeeding at that time, as it takes more effort. She's amazing.)
And that's it.
Thena seemed frightened.
Seemed that the nipple shield was something awful that holding Manda's breastmilk away from her. And she start to cry. cry and cry eversince..
And I decided to put that thing away.
Manda felt that Thena was afraid if she never be able to feel being breastfed by Manda, she was so afraid that everytime her lips open and loose Manda's breastmilk, she cried.
She was frightened. And since that moment till now, Thena always longing to Mamanda's holding her and breastfeeding her, and she never want to let go.
And I've been whispering to her ears, that I would never let her go. Manda will always stay for Athena. Manda will give Athena the breastmilk as long as she like.
On the other hand...
I have a big question mark in my head: "Is there any way that I could stop my baby from biting during breastfeeding?"
And here's what I found in google..Step One
Treat the teething pain. Whether you use homeopathic teething tablets, natural teething gels, or pharmaceutical teething pain relievers, find something that will help ease your baby's discomfort. For severe teething pain, children's acetaminophen may help.
Step Two
Step Three
Step Four
Step Five
And it comes with warnings....Tips & Warnings
Posted by Shalia.Athena.Rivera at 12:15 AM 0 comments
Labels: baby for dummies, first, thoughts
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Breastfeeding, and what so called Exclusive...
to my consideration & experience...
- Have your baby's first latch on you right-after delivery. Her first skin contact would be known as the first comfort feeling she'd long to...
- Breastmilk doesn't come out automatically, your baby help you get them out. So, be patient, and keep trying. It takes two to tango =)
- Never give up trying and asking help to experts.... either in medical or relatives. Many ways to breastfeeding
- Only use IFFO in case of emergency. Stop blaming yourself, breastfeeding needs positive feelings, not a negative one. In my cases, IFFO break helps me get breast-treatment, hence the next breastfeeding would be more effective.
- Do you know that Breastmilk composition change day to day... and each day it contains a valuable nutrients for your baby's life. So, never missed a day.
- Do you know that Breastmilk composition was automatically different when your baby was premature?
- Do you know that no IFFO as perfect as Breastmilk even though they add like zillion of ingredients in it? Cause breastmilk contain so many ingredients that are unable to be identified by human (perhaps it was God's secret recipe), and the addition of new formula to IFFO was meant to resemble the nature composition -- which could never happen since you knew, how could they claim to be like breastmilk when they're unable to solve the Breastmilk's ingredients. What expert might claim about the breastmilk was its ability to give baby the immunity, well, it happens only one of the unrevealed secrets. Go figure yourself.
- Make your baby drink it like a man --- I meant straight to the breast. That case, you'll have the privilege of knowing your baby more.... Every baby tell different stories... they tell that thru their eyes, and sometimes thru smiles...or sigh... or just a touch. Every baby learn something new everyday.. and when she first began to know you, she'll try to tease you.. play with the nipple, and talk to you...
- Indonesia working woman back to work at 3rd months. Indonesian government said to breastfeed until baby was 6 months old. Al Quran said to give suck of your baby until they're 2 years old. I say... go ask your baby.. go as long as you can. And it might go up to 2 years max.
Exclusive breastfeeding is not only about giving your breastmilk to your baby, but it also about how the emotional connection happened between mom & baby at first place. It's when you both learn about eachother.
Breastfeeding moment was a private valuable moment.. it's the privilege of being Mom which noone can replace.
In case you are insisted to have it bottled, feed your baby with a breastfeeding position (only higher on the head)
This is also to encourage you to give a journal as a gift to a newly mom so that she could write a difference happen to her baby every single day.
Cheerio! and Goodluck!
Posted by Shalia.Athena.Rivera at 8:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: baby for dummies
Thena's First Latch to Breastfeeding..
I still clearly remember how assured I am about giving an exclusive breast-feeding to Thena. Working for IFFO business privileged me having a firsthand information on how irreplaceable breastmillk was. So, Yes I keep my faith on giving the best for my baby.
But there's no such thing as perfect. I have lost my faith eversince doctor decided that I have to undergo the sectio to save my baby's life then dragged me to the delivery room. I was so depressed that I never prepared my self for having a section delivery, and to imagine all the consuquences afterwards... I was emotionally down.
After Thena was born, I was amazed. And still insisted to have the first-latch on soon. Thena was a smart baby, her instinct was amazing, she knew how to latch. I told the nurse many times, insisted, that I want an exclusive breastfeeding for my baby.
The first day, all Thena did was spending the night with Manda. She's good at latching. But when dawn appears, she started to cry, and CRYYYYY.... and Manda panicked, and Manda Cried too...
And eyang start to yell at manda cause, she thought you're horribly thirsty, and insisted for you to get Formula milk. I couldn't say no..
We handed you to the nurse, and I couldn't stop crying...
Early in the morning, Manda heard you cry outside, been like ages..
I tried again to give you the most tasty nectar in the whole universe =)
Second day, survived.
Third Day, I started having nipple crack & sores. So I did a single breastmilk to Thena.. The next day, that breasmilk got cracked and sores. And I use the other one...
I thought I have given enough breast-massage during pregnancy, but it seems never been enough. And turned out that I have a short nipple which trouble Thena to latch, and end up in w arong position which cause cracked nipples.
How do I know I have a short nipple? Never in mylife that I compare my nipple to others' nipple.. i dont think anyone ever do that too.. so yes when the doctors said do your nipples pullin out, I said yes. I didn't know that it should be longer...
Enough saying that I depend to Medela every breastfeeding.. and I'h tried almost every brand of nipple shield. Have like 4 pairs of them....
Once I have cracked nipple, and went to the pediatrician, she encourage me to try breasfeeding without the shield, and it works! And it boosts my confidence, we all went to lactation consultation. I was happier than ever. They said that nipple shield is not good for long term usage as it may hold back your baby from directly feel your skin and smell it.. It restrain your baby from knowing you. But what can I do, I'm devastated without the shield and medela cream.
It's been going for a month..
another day.. the shield hurt the skin so much , so I decided to deal with it. Breastfeeding without nipple shield. And amazingly it worked. I didn't feel any pain even though it was cracked.
It was the best sensation a woman can get.And it was the beginning of never stop breastfeeding whenever Thena wants..
Mamanda felt so guilty giving you IFFO, but I had too, cause you're loosing much weight at the first months. Panda encourage Manda not to be depressed and felt guilty in the other hand still getting the best milk from Manda everyday.
Breastmilk composition change day to day, that's why every single day Manda has to breastfeed Thena. It has more value for your lifetime.
A month before getting back to work, I tried to have the milk pumped. But it end up that when Thena's thirsty I have no more... so I decided to prioritize the fresh one for Thena.
When I started getting back to work.. I was devastated. Too busy to pump the breastmilk and been thru many overtimes... I decided to keep the best milk for you when I got home.
I might only do Night & weekend breastfeeding on demand... but I decided to give it till Thena decided not to. Yes, I enjoy breastfeeding as much as Thena, It's the best quality moment we had and I will breasfed her till she decided not to =)
Thena had made me the most happiest mother on earth...
Posted by Shalia.Athena.Rivera at 1:34 AM 0 comments
Labels: baby for dummies, first, moment